


Hi Zempa.
Sounds fun.
Tell me more.
artist - tempter

hello festival-zampa!
sound good - looks good.

put me on your list.

i want to have it all.


ja, das waren dann laut datumsangabe (1999) 5 jahre terror.
dazu die neusten meldungen unserer hauptsponsoren:

Deutsche Bank

In Düsseldorf begann am Mittwoch der Mannesmann-Prozeß. Der mitangeklagte
Deutsche-Bank-Chef Josef Ackermann verstieg sich gleich zum Auftakt des
Prozesses zu der kühnen Behauptung: »Das ist das einzige Land, wo die, die
erfolgreich Werte schaffen, deswegen vor Gericht stehen.«


»Was todernst wird, muß ad personam demonstriert werden, sonst bleibt es
nur das unverbindliche Problem aller«, hatte Hochhuth erst am Montag im
Berliner Alliiertenmuseum auf einer CDU-Veranstaltung klargestellt. Da war
es um die Bundespräsidentenkandidatur Wolfgang Schäubles gegangen.
Hochhuth hatte sich dagegen verwehrt. Schäuble habe das Volksvermögen der
DDR-Bürger mit Hilfe der »Treuhand« ausverkauft und die Ostdeutschen zu
Parias gemacht. Keinem Ossi sei das Kapital geblieben, »auch nur einen
Milchladen zu kaufen«. Es sei unheilvoll, daß er nun »Staatsoberhaupt
dieser von ihm Entrechteten werden will«. Vielmehr solle er »Gott danken,
auf freiem Fuß zu bleiben«.


thank you for your mail. please note that i will be out of the office until Friday, Feb. the 6th. if you need immediate assistance please contact olja miletic at olja.mileticatb92.net
best regards
misko bilbija

na odmoru sam do petka, 06.2. za sve hitne stvari kontaktirajte olju miletic na olja.mileticatb92.net
misko bilbija

Your invitation is quite unbeleavable.
Honorar of 2000....etc, dinars is a good joke!
You must be sponsored by Bil Gates personaly!!!
Anyway, I would like to see proposotions for the festival. You can send me it on mu e-mail.
Best regards, predrag miladinovic


what is this? is this something new coming up? or something old?
let me know

ciao, malin ståhl

I get this second call for submission, but isnt it too late, i dont really undesrtand, can u explain me, please about dates adn other things about it 
thank you

Your mail to 'rohrpost' with the subject

    2nd Call for Submissions/JDI!new media&artfestival

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

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    Message has a suspicious header

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if you are artist you are inside competition, you just need to confirm with sending your CV.

best regards
Yes i am an artist, doing photography so should i send CV on your address or...?
thank you

ok. thank you a lot
you are inside


Is it a joke?? Dont find info about the festival on the site...

Where ist it happening?? What kind of Projects are participating??  Under
Contributions I find just Remarks...

What are the contents?? What is it about...??




Dietmar Kammerer

Berliner Pop

Und es ward Licht – und Toni Negri fand den Schalter nicht

Der Mann kriegt einen Auftritt wie ein Popstar. Erst muß man eine halbe
Stunde in der Schlange drängeln, um in den Saal zu gelangen, dann wird
sein Gesicht überlebensgroß auf eine Leinwand projiziert, bevor er, mit
spannungssteigernder Verspätung, leibhaftig und unter Beifall endlich
die Bühne betritt. Antonio Negri, Philosophieprofessor mit
Knasterfahrung, Hoffnungsträger der ATTAC-Linken, eröffnete vergangenen
Samstag abend im Haus der Kulturen der Welt die transmediale 04 mit
einem Vortrag über »Fly Utopia!«.

Seine Botschaft: »Die Utopie ist tot, es lebe die Utopie!« Ach so. Es
war Moderator Thomas Atzert, der den Sinn der Veranstaltung unfreiwillig
auf den Punkt brachte: Vor lauter Aufregung, daß der »Empire«-Autor
tatsächlich gekommen war, mußte er sich und der Zuhörerschaft wiederholt
versichern, daß es »Toni« Negri selbst ist, der »jetzt hier neben mir
sitzt«. Als wäre das bereits das Pfingstwunder, und das Bild sei soeben
von der Leinwand gestiegen und habe auf dem Stuhl neben ihm Platz

please,tell me how can I go in1999.grittings

very easy Biljana!
just contribute and check website!



Subject: [syndicate]

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>>laibach - 2x version
>laibach is SHIT!!!!!!
>check this festival you slovenian lover!

how about your sister monsieur +?



weekly jinggle for newmedia festival Montenegro!

afther 1 maY 
ist EU
in SCG
for your fat ass
Montenegro festival

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i have checked website
it looks cool
but i don't really get it
is it something happening at a certain time
like a lot of people get together and make art
when is this time
or is it ongoing
and is it for web-based art only or all art forms
please explain everything to me

happy to hear from you
malin ståhl
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Psycho Pompus Print: ether - nudeFoot
name: zampa

and I whisper:

this Foot
is for Zampa's

Subject: is your festival for real?

radical artist in australia, just wondering...

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.

I am interested in your event

But confused by the dates stated in your calls 1999?

  _|_|_|  _|              _|_|    _|  _|_|    _|_|_|
_|        _|_|_|        _|    _|  _|_|      _|    _|
_|        _|    _|      _|    _|  _|        _|    _|
  _|_|_|    _|_|    _|    _|_|    _|          _|_|_|
Der Inhalt von "http://www.zampa.various-euro.com" (sortiert nach Zugriffen)

PlatzDatei oder UnterverzeichnisZugriffe%Bytes%
1 http://www.zampa.various-euro.com/2 100.00 4,892 100.00

Der Inhalt von "http://zampa.various-euro.com" (sortiert nach Zugriffen)
PlatzDatei oder UnterverzeichnisZugriffe%Bytes%
1 http://zampa.various-euro.com/41 69.49 95,419 70.81
2 http://zampa.various-euro.com/contributions.html12 20.34 24,640 18.28
3 http://zampa.various-euro.com/index.html6 10.17 14,701 10.91

last 4 days:
Der Inhalt von "http://zampa.various-euro.com" (sortiert nach Zugriffen)

PlatzDatei oder UnterverzeichnisZugriffe%Bytes%
1 http://zampa.various-euro.com/86 69.92 198,126 72.22
2 http://zampa.various-euro.com/contributions.html24 19.51 51,744 18.86
3 http://zampa.various-euro.com/index.html13 10.57 24,460 8.92

Please let me know when you got my   URL address ,please 


Also ,please let me know the possibilities to participant with your programs .
Thank you very much for your kindly attention ..
I am awaiting reply from you.
Best Regards,
E-mail : utopia1998athotmail.com, utopia_heaven2000atyahoo.com
- Shipping DVD from Stockholm/Basic Artist honorium fee.
- DVD-R (general)
- Three-screen DVD/VHS projection (PAL or NTSC) or
  One-screen    DVD/VHS projection (PAL or NTSC)
Video Art Project

"Wishes, Lies and Dreams II" was created to explore intimacy and emotional
resonance with the  viewer with combines artistic and fantasy to
expores experience of remembering ; questioning the fantastic advanture of
nature,  recognizing disquieting patterns, facing emerging memories,
understanding the  nature. Segments are combined with bluring images and
vauge  to create and impression of subconscious memory and dreams.
Come with me....

Project Titled:
" Wishes, Lies and Dreams"

I wishes...,
I hope. ,
I'm angry...,
I'm afraid...
I'm sad..., I'm happy....

Untitled is a series of experimental video art depicting the world of "Unconscious"

Wishes, Lies and Dreams

Diffused light
shadows life.
Confused dreams
succumb to lies.

Dust filters light;
ashes filter life.
Dawn comes
in the night.

You turn out the light,
knowing the hand under the bed
is still there,
waiting to pull you under.
You think you're wise to play dead,
avoid stepping out of line,
close your eyes to the lies
and the dread
of seeing anyone
seeing you
seeing you.

Last night I dreamt
I was watching you sleep.
I thought my watching would wake you.
I thought that sleeping would make you feel
my presence,
my eyes on you,
your skin, open like a wound;
feeling everything without knowing
you were feeling
anything at all.

You don't move or blink, toss or turn.
I wave and smile,
wondering why
I send good wishes
and silent kisses.

I wait for you to see me,
for you to say --

"You look familiar.
I guess everyone asleep looks the same
as everyone else."

"I'm not asleep.  You are.
I've been watching you sleep
for days and years."

"I know."

I take every step
As though my last,
Face the sea of my sad past,
Face the mountain, the highs and lows,
Face the stream, the ebbs and flows,
Hear the silence call my name.
Throw the dice in a life/death game.

The Video Project will broadcast from Stockholm as "Real-Time" to a number of museums: nine regional museums in Sweden;  Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art Helsinki;  Museet for Samtidskunst; The Museum of Contemporary Art in Roskilde;  Atelier Nord;  The Norrbotten County Museum; The G”vleborg County Museum; The J–nk–ping County museum; The Gotland Museum of Art; Blekinge Museum and collaborating with institutions in London, NYC, Tokyo, Paris and Venice. The art is distributed via a Internet in a special co-operation with Telia/Sonera   (2004)


Hello -
I wonder if you would be interested in my political
pinup girl posters.  We are all-volunteer, based in
Athens, Georgia, USA.

artwork at:  http://www.jiffylux.com (popup window,
also accesible from link at lower right)

CV:  http://www.jiffylux.com/extra/resume.html

shit:  some of these posters are currently featured in
the German magazine Rebel:Art (though I haven't yet
seen a copy)  http://www.rebelart.net

Thank you!
Laura Floyd

send details as to what sort of artworks you are likely to show?
Video? On DVD?
thanks and best regards
Flame Schon

zampa di leone.

deadline for open call is 1.1.1999.

sorry, if this gets to you to late, but who knows.  you may be doing something else now that's also cool, so i'd love to hear about it. the forwarded call to "JUST DO IT!" didn't come with a URL, or I'd look up what you're doing now.  Could have been sent by mistake or could have been someone being fun.  i don't know you at all though, but this caught my interest...

political criticism is like waste of shit!

nonetheless, it'd be interesting to hear what your up to.



art non-profit
stages * galleries * the web
New York, USA

(on-line press kit)

What are you talking about?
And you think it's clever?

i got an email regarding an open call for submissions.
 but the date was 1999.
are you taking submissions for a festival coming up? 
i am an experimental musician that works with


dear zampa di leone
Just looked your message on web
I'd like to apply your project
here some shit from me
as my application
hope you are interested in

Takuji KOGO

hi zampa

yes I am interested in coming over and doing a performance and related
workshop, here are possible activities:

1 an open workshop about streaming and connected performances
  every week we organize an open (and I mean open like free and
  every media artist is welcome to bring her/his things) studio
  in the middle of amsterdam about connected performances..
  we could invite our sistergroup code31 from brussels and set
  something up similarly in montenegro
  http://anatomic.waag.org - amsterdam
  http://code31.lahaag.org - brussels
  "I mean open like the mind not the club"

2 a performance as part of the artist collective "machine cent'red
humanz", which could range from an installation, laptop non-pop perfo to a
long loud scream, as long as it is done on computers -- see mxHz.org
look for the balloons, we are trying to build independent flying artbots

	... or both! (yes!)

Tell me if you are interested, then we could talk about a date and we
could see what funding for travelling and staying could be found...
(actually for us between may 23 and june 6 would be convenient)!


\An`a*tom"ic\  "Related to the structure of an organism"
                anatomix.waag.org              mxHz.org
           Theatrum Anatomicum every Saturday at 3.00pm
           Waag Society Nieuwmarkt 4, 1012 CR Amsterdam
           {and we all go for baku 1922-2022 don't we?}


how can I apply? pls. send me some more infos.
 Balazs Aaron new media artist

Just read the rest of the contributions page

Ha hahahahahahahahaha

Like the way you create confusion and chaos

Will expect more!


Thank you very much for your mail.
Let me know when you have any news for me,pls

Best Regards,


ps. Let me know if you could curate my works as physical space.


My apologies for the previous e-mail which was totally
based on wrong information from some correspondence. 
Wishing you good luck and a prosperous year!
Draga S

I realize a clearer way of communicating may return a similar response


1.How does the festival work

2. do you just want to show Fuck you at your festival

3. Are you paying for artists to attend?

4. command why not recognized?


Hello, i'm an italian artist, please visit "Exten(z)sion project" into my website.
All my best Chiara

Chiara Passa


i would like to propose an horticulture art installation to be set-up at the
public space [city park or any green field soutddors] and possible webcast.

if organizers get in cooperation with city authorirties [specially with
departement of horticulture], this become high-no-budget thing! i am working
with the flowers they have at stock and at locations they already taking
care of. it is only ting to make them accepted the gift: my design, and the
rest is what they doing every day ...

i would like to continue my work with html error reports, as you can see at:

project proposal:

horticultural installations and webcast

Darko Fritz